Your SunBird Library News!

When searching for a book to read or for your favorite author, here are some tips:

Most library books are alphabetized by the author’s last name in various categories. If you look at the endcaps of the shelves, you will see we have collections for Fiction, Mystery Fiction, Large Print, Biography, Non-Fiction, War, Western, Christian Fiction, Romance, and Religion.

Most book series by an author are shelved by the title, not by the series.

Biography books are shelved by names of the subjects, and not by the names of the authors.

Lastly, most of our volunteers work from 8 to 8:30 a.m. on Fridays to re-shelf book returns and process the books you donate to your SunBird Library. There is a cart on the right as you walk into the library for your returns and/or donations. We kindly ask you to place your books there and do not attempt to put them back on the shelves unless you are one of the volunteers.

Be sure to read the list of items the library no longer accepts. Thank you.