Bruce and Cindy Wilson, big-screen TV winners
SunBird Community Green FUNdraising Committee
Thank you to everyone who helped make SunBird Community Green’s 2nd Annual Wine and Beer tasting event a success! From the wine and beer selections, to the delicious food, to the complimentary commemorative wine glasses and, of course, the donated raffle prizes, it was a FUNdraiser full of fun, laughs, and music. A check for $5,200 was presented to SunBird Golf Club to be used for major capital improvements such as equipment or irrigation system upgrades.
Congratulations to Cindy and Bruce Wilson for holding the winning ticket for a big-screen TV!
We appreciate everyone who helped behind the scenes and up front. And a huge thank you to our many creative and generous residents who donated raffle prizes: Lisa Dingeldein, Deb and Perry Rollings, SunBird Volleyball Club, Pickleball Club, Men’s and Ladies’ Golf Leagues, SunBird Golf Shop, Mary Ann Cross, Art Norby, Jacque Van Damme, Rattlesnakes, Roadrunners, Dan and Marianna Beuscher, Jean Pritchard, Pat Arnold, Sharon Eade, Dana Marrs, Dave and Dolly White, Lisa and Wayne Onyx, Julie and Jim Anderson, Irene Coatta, Robyn Blosh, Carollynn Hanson, Ranee and Jeff Seaman, Joan Seaman, Shirley Hunt, Suzanne Popelka, Bob and Maureen Lama, and Jack and Arlene Cooper. Thank you to Don Hunt for providing music!
Commemorative SunBird wine glasses are on sale for $6 each in the SunBird Golf Shop. Again, thank you, everyone!