The Mat Makers Need Your Help

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Everyone has been so helpful in bringing their plastic bags to the Hopi Room for the Mat Makers to crochet water bottles, bags, and sleeping mats for the homeless here in the Phoenix area. In the past few months, we have had 10 to 12 people gather each Wednesday morning from 9:30 a.m. to noon to fold, cut, and crochet articles for the less fortunate. And if you prefer, you can work from your own home, as other people are doing, and just bring your work to the clubhouse for distribution. In any way, we can use your help, especially if you crochet. We are in desperate need of crocheters! And it’s fun meeting with other people living in SunBird and the surrounding area. We sit and visit and tell jokes, and just enjoy each other’s company as we work.

Please consider joining the Mat Makers. We would love to get to know you.