A few of our members enjoying Friday tennis in the sun!
It feels great to be back on our beautiful sport courts playing with our SunBird tennis buddies! Our season is now in full swing, and our Canadian friends are finally able to join us on the courts again. Welcome back, everyone. We missed you!
We have some new board members for the 2021 season. Our president will remain John Schlenker, vice president will remain Jack Barber (thanks for being our industrious leaders for another year!), Treasurer Perry Rollins, Secretary Barb Hall, and Publicity Director Jenifer Walden. Let’s have a super year! Our dues for the 2021 season are $40 for active members and $15 for social members. Please bring your cash or check to the next meeting.
Below is our current 2021 season club schedule:
Monday: Ladies Doubles, 8:30 to 10 a.m., coordinator Barb Hall
Monday: Men’s Doubles, 10 a.m. to noon, coordinators Mel Terechenok/Gil Gilliland (Jan.)
Tuesday: Men’s Doubles, 8 to 10 a.m., coordinator Jack Barber
Wednesday: Mixed Doubles, 8:30 to 10 a.m., coordinator John Schlenker
Thursday: Ladies Doubles, 8 to 10 a.m., coordinator Joan Boyle
Friday: Mixed Doubles, 8 to 10:30 a.m. (courts 1 and 2), coordinator Jack Barber
There is a current court schedule posted on the tennis board at the courts that details both tennis and pickleball assigned times. Tennis sign-up sheets will be posted on the tennis board at the sports courts for some of our scheduled tennis activities, or you may email the coordinators directly. You will find contact information for our members on our Member List. If you are playing as a homeowner or resident (not part of the SunBird Tennis Club), please reserve your desired court times on the available slots on the court reservation sheets.
For our first social tournament, we played against Cottonwood at their fabulous facility. Unfortunately (for us), we didn’t play spectacularly well. But the pizza and people were great, and we had so much fun! I will have to report on the “Fun in the Sun” of our Welcome Back Picnic (Nov. 20) and the results of Springfield at SunBird tournament (Nov. 27) in the January newsletter. On Dec. 4 we are hosting Trilogy here at SunBird, and on Dec. 11 we are hosting Cottonwood on our beautiful blue courts. Let’s have fun, everyone, and play well! Go SunBird!
We are excited to have acquired a few new members to the Tennis Club over the past few months. Gil and Shirley Gilliland are snowbirds from Indiana, Pa. Gil was a dentist for 45 years, and his lovely wife Shirley worked alongside him for much of that time. Another new member is Perry Rollins. Perry and his wife Deb are from Minnesota and now live here permanently. Perry teaches a Beginners Tai Chi class on Thursdays at 10 a.m., and will be starting an evening class beginning Dec. 13 at 6 p.m. His wife Deb is the VP of our SunBird Ceramics Club and was an art teacher for 39 years. Welcome! It’s really great to see fresh faces on the courts.
If you are interested in joining our SunBird Tennis Club, please contact our president John Schlenker at 847-525-7648.
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Dec 7, at 5 p.m. in the Lakeview Room. Merry Christmas to everyone and best wishes for a happy and healthy new year!