Save the date of Feb. 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for Sun Lakes’ annual Dementia Conference at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, Lindsay Hall. This year’s conference will focus on “Learning New Ways to Approach Dementia Caregiving with a Kaleidoscope of Possibilities.” The slightest adjustment of our perspective can reveal so many new…
Tag: Sun Lakes United Methodist Church
Clubs & Classes, October 2021
The Sun Lakes Chorale: Anticipation
Well, summer is winding down even if the temps are not, here in Sun Lakes. Fall will be here before we know it and Christmas (can you believe it?) is just around the bend. Therefore, the singers and staff of the Sun Lakes Chorale are anxiously awaiting our return to practices and, eventually, a splendid…
Community News, February 2020
Anne Freyer to Speak at P.E.O. Coffee on February 12

Linda Reber “Mercy Ships: Experience on the Africa Mercy in 2018-2019” is the title of Anne Freyer’s program. Anne is a P.E.O. in Chapter DD, Sun Lakes, and is a registered pharmacist. She graduated from the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy and received her MS in Pharmacy Administration at the University of Arizona College…
Community News, December 2017
Share love, happiness and music

Jan Ott Join the Sun Lakes Chorale at their annual Holiday Concert held at the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road (next to the Sun Lakes Library) on Thursday evening, December 7. Tickets cost only $10, and there is still time to make your purchase. Call Caroline Ellis at 480-883-6997 regarding ticket…
Community News, October 2016
Krafters annual bazaar – Nov. 5

Sharon Slocum, Publicity The Sun Lakes United Methodist Church Krafters, 9248 Riggs Road, will be holding their annual Bazaar on Saturday, November 5 from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in Lindsay Hall. All items for sale are handmade by our members and many will be in the fall and winter colors that represent the coming holidays that…
Community News, August 2015
SLUMC Game Day continues on August 19, 2015
Game Day is back on Wednesday, August 19. What a great way to socialize during the hot August weather! Beat the heat and come to this popular repeat event in our air-conditioned facility. Take your pick of games; we’ll have Scrabble, Mexican Train, Bridge and Bingo. Or, if you like, bring a game of your…
Card Games & Sports, December 2014
Positive aging seminar
Sun Lakes United Methodist Church is hosting a presentation on positive aging given by professional therapist Jane Fugate, LCSW, LISAC. Mrs. Fugate has worked in the field of counseling, mental health and education for four decades. She has continued to work for the past seven years with Aurora Behavior Hospital System in the field of…