Frank Nechvatal Our January meeting was held with a Trivia Contest. Our member James Gascoyne, alias Sherlock Holmes, prepared 20 items of trivia. The winners had 19 of the 23 possible answers correct. They shared the $10 prize. The winners were Chris and Frank Nechvatal. Our February meeting was a potluck Fasching Party. Fasching is…
Tag: Oktoberfest
Clubs & Classes, October 2024
SunBird Lions Club

21 South Lions Club Kick-Off Arlene Block The SunBird Lions Club hosted the 21 South Kick-Off at the SunBird Golf Resort on Aug. 17. Lion Chris Gibbs, Induction Council chairman, inducted into the SunBird Lions Club Lions Nancy Eckstein, Michelle Seel, and Steve Seel who were sponsored by SunBird Lions Club President Chuck Heitbrink. Lion…
Clubs & Classes, September 2024
American German Club News
Frank Nechvatal We will have our first meeting on Thursday, Sept. 26, at 6 p.m. in the Lakeview Room. We will begin collecting dues of $10 per person (cash, please). Also bring your email address, as we plan to create an email list to remind members of meetings and special news. Our first meeting will…