Tag: news

Your SunBird Library News

When searching for a book to read or for your favorite author, here are some tips: Most library books are alphabetized by the author’s last name in various categories. If you look at the endcaps of the shelves, you will see we have collections for Fiction, Mystery Fiction, Biography, Nonfiction, War, Western, Christian Fiction, and…

Manager’s Report

It’s hard to believe that the peak of season for SunBird, March, has arrived. Many recreational and sport leagues are having season-ending tournaments and championship games. Clubs, organizations, and various states are having their season-ending banquets. If at the clubhouse, one can easily see and hear all of the fun taking place. The SunBird Pickleball…

Manager’s Report

During the year 2024, SunBird had 106 home sales within the community, which equates to 6.5% of the homes. The Welcoming and Marketing Committee does a great job in welcoming each new homeowner to SunBird. Further, each year the committee invites all new homeowners who purchased within the past year to an annual “Meet and…

SunBird Patrol News

Dan Russell Now that all the road work is done and the streets are looking good again, let’s all remember that a parking pass is required to park on the roads overnight (between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m.). By doing this, it makes it so emergency vehicles can get down our narrow streets…

Manager’s Report

It’s been an extremely hot summer, reaching 100 degrees or more for over 100 days straight, breaking temperature records. Everyone and every living thing in Arizona is feeling the effects of the long, hot, drawn-out summer. The impact of the heat can be seen just about everywhere outside. Summer improvement and maintenance projects continue to…

Post Office News

Jan Griffin, Manager As some of you already know, we had a stamp increase in July. First Class stamps are now 73 cents, and a book of 20 is $14.60. Postcard stamps are 56 cents. All Priority Flat Rate boxes have not changed. A reminder to those who may leave for vacation for a week…

Golf Club News

SunBird Golf Club recently purchased and released a bounty of tiny tilapia and amur (grass carp) fish, anticipating that the fingerlings will eat their way through algae and aquatic vegetation in the golf course lakes and ponds. We’ve already seen significant improvements in the lake by the clubhouse. Following consultation with AmeriCulture, a fish company…

Manager’s Report

Layne Varney, General Manager It’s getting hot! Temperatures have increased earlier and greater than previous years (as of the time of the writing this article, it was 8 degrees hotter than average). With the quick rise in temperatures, it’s a good reminder to stay cool and hydrated. The SunBird clubhouse is maintained at comfortable temperatures…

American German Club News

Frank Nechvatal Our German Club finished this 2023-24 season with a Patio Party on April 25. Our club purchased fried and roasted chicken with potato salad. Members brought side dishes and desserts. During the party, President Nechvatal asked for suggestions for our next Oktoberfest in the fall with the hopes we may try something different.…

SunBird Post Office

Several of you have already left for the summer or are planning to leave soon. Be sure to come to the SunBird Post Office to do your Change of Address. Also, check out with the HOA. The SunBird Post Office would like to thank you for supporting us! We greatly appreciate all of you! Keep…