Tag: events

Art at the Lakes Show

Jill Curcio Bring the family and come have lunch with your local Sun Lakes firemen and support the Firemen’s Relief Fund. Enjoy beautiful works of art! No admission fee! Art at the Lakes Show and Sale will be held on Saturday, March 7 from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. The art show is a community outreach sponsored…

Prepare to laugh and be amazed!

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 14. The SunBird Lions will present the unique must see Brad Zinn’s Comedy Magic Show. You may have seen Brad Zinn before, but never like this. Brad Zinn is one of the most sought after comedy magic entertainers in his field. His background in acting, magic and comedy make…

SunBird film series

Ron Erway and Sara Schmidt We are residents (sunbirds, actually) of the SunBird community for the past 10 years. We would like to show a series of six films over February, March and April. We have collected these films over several years and want to share them with any interested residents. The first in the…

Barry’s D.J. Oldie’s Party

“Let The Good Times Roll” with Barry’s DJ Oldies Party on Saturday, February 7 and Saturday, February 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Golf Pro Shop Lounge, Mulligans, 25425 N. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, Arizona 85248. Dancing! Line dancing! Sing-a-longs! Music trivia! Special guest singers! No cover charge! Open to all Sun…

Bridge Gala February 22

The annual Bridge Gala will be held in the SunBird Horizon Room on February 22 at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale before regularly scheduled play at the SunBird office or by calling 802-1172, not the day of the event. Come, finesse with the best! A dinner will be available in the Horizon Room following…

Karaoke and dancing

Enjoy karaoke and dancing with Mr. B. & The Blonde – double the fun at Sun Lakes Country Club Pro Shop Lounge on Saturday, February 14 from 7:00-? p.m.; and Saturday, February 28 from 7:00-? p.m. The lounge will be serving food. Mark your calendar for a another fun evening of singing and dancing. If…

20 years of rockin’ our Souls

Members of the choirs of the Christian churches and Jewish congregation meet for the first rehearsal of their interdenominational choir for the Sun Lakes Choir Festival.

Carol Hoepner Although March may come in like a lamb or a lion, why not be sure March will arrive in a special way by greeting it with an afternoon of enjoyable music by attending the 20th anniversary concert of the Sun Lakes Interfaith Music Festival? If you enjoy a variety of music, both vocal…