Tag: events

SunBird Ladies 18ers return

Pat Arnold’s hole-in-one

Tammy Bachofner It’s October already! You all know what that means, right? SunBird Ladies Golf season is about to begin! Our official start is in November, but I thought everyone would like to get some dates on their calendars. We had a fun, HOT summer! I would like to fill you in on the highlights…

Medicare Open Enrollment

Personalized objective assistance to seniors, the disabled and caregivers is provided by volunteer counselors trained by the Arizona Agency on Aging Benefits Assistance Program. Services include: * Basic information about Original Medicare (Parts “A” and “B”, Supplemental (Medigap) policies, Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part “D”), Medicare Advantage Plans (HMO’s, etc.), AHCCCS (Medicaid), ALTCS (Arizona Long…

Lions to host casino night

PDG Lion Forrest B. Cheuvront Jr. Sun Lakes Lions Foundation Casino Night is January 27, 2018, at the Sun Lakes Country Club clubhouse from 5:00-9:00 p.m. Tickets will soon be available at $20.00 from any Sun Lakes Lions Club member. As always, the proceeds go to support Arizona Lion’s Camp Tatiyee Campers. The ticket price…

Social Events

FREE Exercise Class – Walk Away the Pounds Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00-9:00 a.m. in the SunBird Ballroom Stretch and Tone Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:00 a.m. in the SunBird Ballroom SunBird Community Church Sundays at 9:00 a.m. – Non-denominational; everyone welcome! Fish, Chips and Shrimp OR Chicken Tenders Every Friday from 3:00-6:00…

New Frontiers fall open house set for September 15

Dan Scarpone, Publicity New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning (NFLL), a peer-led, self-directed organization of over 400 members operating under the sponsorship of Mesa Community College (MCC), may be just what you are looking for. Educational and social opportunities happen by joining interactive groups, such as “America, the Gilded Age,” “Walking the Cather Trail,” “Continuing Piano…

September at Ed Robson Library

Plan to join us in September for the following great programs! Tuesday, September 5, at 10:30 a.m. – HealthRHYTHMS Drumming Circle Drum circles are a positive community experience designed to enhance self-realization, reduce tension, anxiety and stress, result in a positive medical impact and release emotions. No experience necessary, and all instruments provided; age 18…

Medicare, Medicaid and related health benefit information

Neil Tamber Personalized one-on-one objective assistance to seniors, the disabled and caregivers provided by volunteer counselors especially trained by the Arizona Agency on Aging Benefits Assistance Program. Services include: Basic information about Original Medicare, Supplemental (Medigap) policies, Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part “D”), Medicare Advantage Plans (HMO’s, etc.), AHCCCS (Medicaid), ALTCS (Arizona Long Term Care…