Renters… Be Our Guest! Wednesday, Dec. 4, Apache and Pima Rooms, 10 a.m. to noon Attention all renters! Whether you’re an annual or seasonal renter, please join us on Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 10 a.m. for coffee and pastries. Learn about all of activities, events, and amenities that SunBird has to offer and receive a…
Tag: events
Community News, November 2019
Come join us at our Kare Bears Fair – November 2
Community News, November 2019
Shop ‘Til You Drop benefit fashion show January 15, 2020
A fashion show benefitting the Sun Lakes Fire Department and Ambulance Services is planned for January 15, 2020. Shop ‘Till You Drop, by Calle Rose Fashions, will be sponsored by the Ladies Community Chit & Chat Breakfast Group. This event will be open to the public. Come and show your support for the Sun Lakes…
Community News, November 2019
Jermaine Lockhart Jazz Showcase set for November 23

Tenor saxophonist Jermaine Lockhart has performed Gospel music, jazz, straight-ahead, and rhythm and blues. His versatility has won respect from jazz lovers in many areas. He has shared the stage with Gospel artist Israel Houghten, James Moody, David Garfield, and several local in the Cleveland, Detroit, and Phoenix areas. He has opened for Earl Klugh, The…
Card Games & Sports, November 2019
CRAB Auction and Tournament scheduled for November 15 & 16
Norman Ott It is almost here—the CRAB (Canadians, Roadrunners, Americans, and Bandits), aka the Team Championship, Tournament and Auction, that is. These events that support the SunBird Golf Course represent one of the best, if not the best, fundraisers for the golf club. As mentioned in previous articles, this fundraiser has raised about $130,000 to date since…
Association News, October 2019
Social Events
Trivia Night with Sherlock Homes Thursday, Oct. 3, 17, and 31, Horizon Room, at 6 p.m. A new season of trivia is underway. Join us on Thursday, Oct. 3, 17, and 31 at 6 p.m. in the Horizon Room. There is a maximum of eight players per team. Your team table can be reserved by the week, month,…
Community News, October 2019
Save the dates for Plaza Suite performances in October

Plaza Suite is an award-winning comedy by Neil Simon composed of three acts, each involving different characters, all set in suite 719 in New York City’s Plaza Hotel. The show displays all of Neil Simon’s clever, dramatic, and comic situations and his use of engaging dialogue. Directed by Merrie Crawford, Plaza Suite will be presented in the…
Association News, September 2019
Social Events
Karaoke and DJ Night with DJ Mikey Mike Friday, Sept. 6, Horizon Room, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Join DJ Mikey Mike for a night of karaoke and dancing to your favorite songs. Karaoke runs from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., with DJ Mikey Mike spinning tunes from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Bring your singing voices and…
Front Page, September 2019
Patriot Day Parade and Ceremony September 11

SunBird is honored to hold our Second Annual Patriot Day Tribute Parade and Ceremony on Wednesday, Sept. 11. Help us show appreciation and express our gratitude to all active and retired emergency personnel for their dedication and service to our wonderful communities, as well as honor the memory of those who lost their lives on…
Front Page, August 2019
Save the date for Patriot Day Tribute Parade and Ceremony

SunBird is honored to hold our Second Annual Patriot Day Tribute Parade and Ceremony on Wednesday, Sept. 11. Help us show appreciation and express our gratitude to all active and retired emergency personnel for their dedication and service to our wonderful communities, as well as honor the memory of those who lost their lives on…