Tag: events

Come See the Sunny Quilters Display

Join us on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 12:50 p.m. outside the Hopi Room, as the Project Review & Planning Committee unveils the new display case for the Sunny Quilters. The display case will allow the Quilters to display their beautiful quilts for residents to see and admire their work. We hope you can join us!

American Italian Club News

Buon Natale! A big reminder to our club members that our Christmas Party is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 14, at 11:30 a.m., at Floridino’s Restaurant on Alma School Road. Members will be charged $10 per person, with the remainder of the bill paid by the club. The menu will consist of salad, rolls, ziti marinara,…

Garden Club News

The SunBird Garden Club raised just over $500 at the community garage sale in October. While many contributed and helped with the sale, we wish to especially thank Judi Johnson for her organizational talents, Emily Hughes for her donation of many plants that were sold, and Dolly White for her beautiful hand-painted rocks that were…

Kare Bears’ First Fair a Big Success

Mary Shelor SunBird’s Kare Bears’ first fair was a great success. We had over 40 vendors selling their baked goods and handmade articles and anything else you think you might need or want. It’s a great place to pick up birthday and Christmas gifts. And it’s all there in one space. If you missed it,…

AAUW: Supporting Local Girls and Women

In the coming months, the AAUW (American Association of University Women) Southeast Valley Branch (SEV) will continue to offer events and programs to help our community’s young girls and women in a variety of ways. Here are a few highlights of what’s coming: In December, the Southeast Valley Branch will wrap up the year with…

Happy Holidays

Harry Huckemeyer What a special time of the year this is for us all as we celebrate the holiday season with friends and family, enjoying the fine weather and all the bright lights and cheerful music that are always a big part of it. Many thanks go out to all our supporters who helped us…

Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!

Chandler Symphony Orchestra (CSO) and Neighbors Who Care (NWC) joins host Risen Savior Lutheran Church to announce the Deck The Holidays with CSO and NWC! Join us Sunday, Dec. 3 for two shows, one at 3 p.m. and one at 6 p.m., inside Risen Savior Lutheran Church Worship Center. Search for tickets on Eventbrite.com or chandlersymphony.com. Tickets are:…

Sun Lakes Chorale Holiday Concert December 7

Yvonne Orlich “Music imprints itself in the brain deeper than any other human experience … Music brings back the feeling of life when nothing else can.” —Dr. Oliver Sacks Almost everybody you know has a favorite holiday or Christmas song. That song is imprinted in your brain, and as Dr. Sacks said, it “brings back…

Up, Up, and Away!

Kay Davis Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought, Spiritual Community. We gather together to celebrate Peace, Love, Light, and Healing. We practice affirmative prayer, positive thinking, and a healthy lifestyle. We meet in the Arts & Crafts Room at Sun Lakes Phase 1 Country Club at 10 a.m. every Sunday. Rev. Jeanne…