Tag: Bridge Quips

Bridge Quips

Shirley Jackson “Your home is an extension of your energy field. This is why practices like cleaning your home, rearranging furniture, organizing your closet, and getting rid of objects that are cluttering your space can have a profound impact on your own mind, body, and spirit.” —Maryam Hasnaa Picture improvement in your duplicate bridge game…

Bridge Quips

The most underused ‘hint’ is when the opponents ask what your partner’s bid means. Most people try to rationalize what they think it means in the context of the auction, rather than using the tried and true, “We have no agreement.”

Bridge Quips

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Bridge Quips

Aces on Bridge If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss. —Rudyard Kipling

Bridge Quips

Shirley Jackson “Of all competitive activities, bridge is unique because it offers you the opportunity to improve by competing against better players. The amateur golfer can’t play a foursome with Nicklaus; the average tennis player could never hope for a match against Navratilova. But even novice bridge players can sit down at a tournament and…