Tag: American German Club

American German Club News

Frank Nechvatal December was a busy time. We celebrated Christmas with a party in the Horizon Room. We enjoyed a great meal. We learned of the hidden meaning behind the Christmas carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Our choir director, Chris Nechvatal, led us in singing this carol, along with several other carols. We still…

SunBird American German Club

  Frank Nechvatal Just a reminder as our summer begins to wind down. The German Club will meet the fourth Tuesday in September, that is the 25th. Our September meeting will be to finalize the club’s Oktoberfest Dinner on Monday, October 24. Presently, the dinner is slated to begin with cocktails at 6:00 p.m. and…

American German Club news

Frank Nechvatal At the February meeting, the club celebrated Fasching. Fasching is the months-long event to mark the beginning of Lent. Fasching begins the 11th month, the 11th hour, 11 minutes and continues until Shroud Tuesday. Shroud Tuesday is the equivalent to Mardi Gras. The day after Shroud Tuesday is Ash Wednesday which, for Catholics,…

American/German Club update

Frank Nechvatal February’s meeting featured our annual Fasching celebration. Fasching, much like Mardi Gras, is a celebration of the coming of Lent. Lent marks the period of 40 days that Christ wandered in the desert and fasted before he and his followers entered Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish Passover. Fasching, then, is a time for…

SunBird American/German club news

Frank Nechvatal The meeting was called to order by Co-President Larry Schoenborn at 6:00 p.m. in the Horizon Room. Membership collected dues from 23 members. Vice-president Barb Valentine began collecting $15 per person for the Oktoberfest Dinner which was held on Monday, October 17. This dinner was for members and their guests. Delores arranged for…

American German Club news

Frank Nechvatal The February 23 meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Minutes from the January meeting were read and approved followed by the Treasurer’s report that the club has a balance of $1,909.31. Membership Committee reported that we had 27 members in attendance. Ron and Sue Kaat attended as guests. The Sunshine Committee…

SunBird American/German Club news

The German Club enjoyed a Christmas dinner in the Horizon Room.

Frank L. Nechvatal Our Christmas dinner in the Horizon Room was ausgezeichnet (outstanding). A job well done by our Co-Presidents Delores Kline and Larry Schoenborn! Our January meeting focused on the celebration of Fasching, or Fastnacht, or Karneval. This, of course, is a first cousin of Mardi Gras. What is all of this about? Well,…

American/German Club

Frank Nechvatal The club celebrated Weihnachten (Christmas) on December 22 with a dinner in the Horizon Room. The meal was ausgezeichnet (outstanding), once again a tip of the Hut to the Julie and her Horizon Room Staff. For the January meeting on Tuesday, January 26 we will celebrate Fasching, Fastnacht, Karnaval, the celebration that comes…

American German Club notice

Trish Deflieze Our club season has officially ended. We are now on hiatus for the summer and will remain so until September. Our first meeting of the new 2015-2016 season will be September 22 at 6:00 p.m. in the Horizon Room. The club is open to all SunBird residents with German backgrounds. New members and…

American-German Club

Trish Deflieze Our club season has officially ended. We are now on hiatus for the summer and will remain so until September 2015. Our first meeting of the new 2015-2016 season will be September 22 at 6:00 p.m. in the Horizon Room. The club is open to all SunBird residents with German backgrounds. New members…