Pictured to the left is Jean Mrugala, President of the SunBird Garden Club, accepting a cash donation from the President and Vice President of the Tennis Club, Dave and Jen Walden. Jean was very excited to accept the contribution to use towards their future projects.
Christine Terechenok
The Tennis Club appreciates all the hard and beautiful work the Garden Club does for our community.
The Tennis Club in the past has donated to other worthwhile community projects: to name a few, the front entry wall re-design, sails for the Horseshoe Club, bench at the Post Office and the Horizon Room remodel.
We also have donated our time to help the maintenance crew paint the fence posts, and for the years 2008-2011 repaired and painted cracks on the courts.
We have invited the community to a free holiday dance the last three years. This year’s Christmas dance was a big success. We had 91 members and guests for dinner in the Ballroom served by the Horizon Room kitchen plus 64 residents attended the free dance at 7:00 p.m. totaling 155. Thanks to all that helped make this a fun evening.
Happy New Year, everyone! The Tennis Club celebrated at the first tennis meeting on January 5 with pizza and wine for everyone. We are all looking forward to a great 2016 enjoying tennis fun, friends and competition. As always, we welcome new members to join in. Contact President Dave Walden at 360-840-1628 or Jen Walden at 480-579-5764 or come to our next meeting on February 2 in the Horizon room at 5:00 p.m.
Remember, tennis fun day Saturday mornings at 8:30 a.m. is open to all residents of SunBird. All levels of play are invited. There is a sign-up sheet at the tennis bulletin board near the tennis courts. Free coffee and donuts are provided to all that participate.