President Alice Whistler trimming her Red Yucca. This plant produces a round star-like seedpod after blooming. The small black seeds will scatter in the wind, so Alice trims them or she would have a yard filled with Yucca.
The SunBird Garden Club met at 9:00 a.m. on November 11 in the east end of the Ballroom and will continue on the second Friday of the month throughout April. December will include a Christmas Brunch for which one needs to buy a reservation.
Don’t forget the program presented by Marshall Trimble on January 26, 2017. He is Arizona’s official historian, cowboy singer, humorist, storyteller and goodwill ambassador. Tickets go on sale December 9 at the HOA Office. Also watch for information next month about the annual March Home and Garden Tour. All proceeds from these programs will be used for gardening projects to beautify our SunBird community.
Come join SunBird’s Garden Club. Some like to plant, weed and trim while others prefer the more social aspects of our club. Whatever your preference, all are welcome on the second Friday at 9:00 a.m. to have a cup of coffee and get to know other would be gardeners.