Lois Anderson, Publicity
Bougainvillea are one of the most common plants used in the Arizona garden. The colorful part of the bloom is not the flowers; they are tiny and usually white. The flowers are embraced by large, papery vividly colored bracts, which are modified leaves. This is the reason they are colorful for such a long time.
SunBird Garden Club welcomes everyone back to the first meeting of the season Friday, November 11 at 9:00 a.m. in the west end of the Ballroom. (At 11:00 a.m. there will be a veterans program in the east end of the Ballroom). Although Garden Club is primarily women, over the years a few men have ventured into our ranks. Men are most welcome; however, teas and dusting Clubhouse flowers may put off most.
Be sure to bring about $20 to the November meeting, $10 for dues plus some extra bucks to buy a ticket for the December brunch. Barb Ott and Pat McGoneagle will be presenting a short program in addition to our business meeting.
Hope you are still saving Thursday, January 21 to hear Marshall Trimble, State Historian. Tickets will go on sale at the end of 2016 and we expect a full house!