Jackie Cox led the Garden Club through the Clubhouse and explained the improvements that the members had made.

Pictured are Janet Girard, Jan Davidson, Shirley Goodman, Jackie Cox, Nan Atchley and Mary Regan who along with Fay Asmundson, Karen Button, Susie Herigstad and Donna Wolff were a dedicated committee that made the clubhouse more attractive by redoing the silk and dry arrangements. Jan Davidson chaired the committee.They spent a lot of time and energy getting just the right items for each area. Jan and Janet spent hours washing the old flowers.
Jean Anderson
March showers bring April flowers as they say, but it seems everyone else in the country is still getting showers of snow while SunBird is nice and warm and our flowers are already bursting forth. March is such a busy time for the garden club with the Home Tour. It takes a village to do a Home and Garden Tour. Garden Club is lucky that they have Donna Bergmann to go out and get such unusual and interesting houses. Then you have the wonderful homeowners who are so generous in giving of their time and personal space. Let’s not forget the hostesses who spend the afternoon standing in the houses pointing out the unique assets of each house. Last but not least there is a troop of dedicated cooks who produce (or stop by the grocery store) a bakery’s worth of cookies for everyone to enjoy. It’s a lot of work, but it’s something the club is known for and residents in SunBird look forward to. This year was a huge success and we surpassed last year in sales of tickets. The houses were all beautiful and each one was unique.
The Home Show produces funds for the club to use in our projects. Thank you so much to the homeowners who were so kind and to the Garden Club members who worked so hard. SunBird is a better place because of all of you.
You probably aren’t aware that the Garden Club takes care of and once a year cleans the dry arrangements around the clubhouse. As a new member, when this came up in a meeting I was a bit startled. Growing stuff yes, but dusting dry stuff? It took gardening to a whole new level (or low) for me. Dust is a reality here in the desert, so you can imagine how much lands on those plants. The plants were getting a little worn and a committee led by Jackie Cox spent months reviewing what was in the Clubhouse and what needed to be replaced. They were very thoughtful in how they made choices and arranged things. The outcome is lovely and a great addition.
Alice Whistler invited a guest speaker to the March meeting in addition to the regular club business. April will be the Vice President’s tour and installation of new officers. Then the club meetings take a hiatus, but the members get together for lunch at local restaurants. During the summer, Gudie leads her team watering and taking care of projects and Toni has her weeders out in full force.
We all want to thank Alice for two years of hard work and careful attention to the business of the Garden Club. She’s done a super job and we enjoyed her so much.