- These folks enjoyed the video campfire!
- The hayride was a big hit!
Layne Varney, Manager’s Report
Where is everyone going? The temperature here is reaching the 100s and several residents have left for the summer. The work and fun continues.
The SunBird Country Hoedown dinner, dance and festivities was a huge success. The Ballroom was decked out with bales of hay, country attire and even a video campfire. An excellent cowboy barbecued dinner was served from pie tins with fresh apple pie for dessert. The dance floor was filled with country and line dancers having a great time. The night was capped with the hay ride driven by two horses carrying 25 cowboys/girls around SunBird as the sun was setting. What a terrific evening at SunBird!
Major road work begins the week of May 23 in SunBird on Augusta Drive at Championship west and then south on Pebble Beach to just before La Costa Drive and Oakmont Drive from Waterview south to Doral. These sections of roads will have the asphalt completely removed to the base and then re-installed with fresh new asphalt. This work pending any surprises or rain should be completed within one week’s time. Unit Six of SunBird will have road work done called a slurry seal; one-quarter inch minus rock mixed in with oils and other materials will be spread across the roadway. It takes months for this process to cure and it is anticipated the surface rocks will come loose during this time. The roads in Units 11, 12 and 15 will have road seal coat work done by first sealing the cracks and then spreading two coats of an oil mix base to add to the life of the roads. Notice will be distributed to those homes directly affected with dates, times and where to park vehicles.
Exterior shade coverings around the south and west side of the Lakeview Room balconies will be installed sometime this month just like the shade coverings over the Horizon Room balconies. This will shade the Lakeview room windows from the afternoon sun causing a great difference in temperature in sections of this room. The Lakeview Room has also been recently painted with new colors and style to make this an excellent room for any occasion.
Window screen coverings are being considered for most of the Clubhouse windows to help minimize the light and heat that enters these rooms. The Navajo, Horizon and Lakeview Rooms have these window coverings already. The new type will replace the outdated grey vertical blinds that have had several maintenance issues.
This summer a new SunBird sign will be installed at the corner of Cooper Road and Hunt Highway advertising SunBird Golf Resort. Many vehicles pass by SunBird along Hunt Highway every day and do not even know the name of our community. Installing a block wall sign with etched in bold lettering like the signage on Riggs Road will be installed shortly giving SunBird more exposure to the outside area. The SunBird Garden Club will help re-landscape this area also to give it an even more beautiful look.
On occasion, the Board of Directors arranges tours of other active adult communities similar to SunBird. The purpose of these tours is to meet other Boards of Directors and management and learn of their successes and challenges. Next we tour the facilities to see what they have to offer and try to learn of ways to make SunBird an even better place to live. All of the communities visited were much newer and nicely decorated. After visiting these three communities this past month, it was noted and agreed upon that SunBird was designed to be a social community. SunBird had the largest Ballroom, covered patio area, restaurant and most of our facilities and rooms were much bigger. SunBird feels more welcoming, friendly and definitely has more activities and the space to accommodate. It’s always good to get out and look around to appreciate what we have. There’s no place like home.