Easter services at SunBird Community Church
Bob Neuman
SunBird is noted for its kind and friendly people, but have you ever stopped to think of our lonely, grieving, or ill residents behind closed doors who have no one to turn to? Christian writer Max Lucado speaks of this.
“Here’s a suggestion; we should all wear antennas that pick up on people who seem out of place, whose loneliness shows. We should be the ones to approach those folks and extend friendship to them. Maybe you think the last thing you need is another friend, but friendliness and hospitality are virtues that bring as much joy to the giver as to the receiver.
When you extend hospitality to others, you‘re not trying to impress them; you‘re trying to reflect God in them.”
Those who give these little ones a cup of cold water because they are my followers will truly get their reward. Mathew 10: 41.
Easter attendance – 478. Thanks to all those who participated in and helped prepare a powerful Easter service. Hank Miller was worship leader and Minister Jim Baugh delivered a positive message of salvation. Pianists Elaine Friesen and Trish Russell accompanied our choir directed by Pat Miller and presented a beautiful cantata The Easter Story which included various hymns that traced Jesus’ journey of suffering, death, resurrection and exaltation.
By now most of our winter visitors have left for their summer homes and soon SunBird will go into its yearly hibernation, a time when everything slows down. Our church will continue, as usual, to serve God.
Ministers for May
May 1 – David Walker
May 8 – Marv Jacobs
May 15 – Jim Baugh
May 22 – Ryan Stephens
May 29 – David Walker
SunBird Community Church is non-denominational and based on the Bible.
Our members invite you to visit us any Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the SunBird Ballroom. There you will meet our friendly congregation and hear an uplifting message by an experienced minister. There will be room for you.