St. Steven’s Ladies Guild would like to thank everybody who attended and contributed to our annual Luncheon and Fashion Show Charity Fundraiser Event March 9, 2016.
We would like to express appreciation to Oakwood’s Director of Activities and Banquets, Linda Hollenbeck, along with her servers; Oakwood’s chef, Anthony Crocenzi; pianist, Mr. Ron Clavecilla; Sherrian Beagle, Mary Kay make-up artist for our models; Sue Fitzler, Avon sales representative who provided 43 gifts for each table; Mary Hovanek, who donated many of the door prizes; to all door prize donors; to all guild members who donated baskets; to the sisters of Monica Dickens, Marian, Elaine, and Helen, for helping with the 50/50 raffle; to Brianna Peterson who helped with baskets and centerpieces, and last but not least to our Luncheon and Fashion Show committee members for their dedication and commitment towards our annual Charity Fundraising Event.
We appreciate all the wonderful community support you have given us this year and in past years. We thank you, and we thank & praise God for a successful show.