Al Hill with a young, computer savvy lad
Kc Coller, Publicity Director
You’re never too young or too much of a senior to learn. Member-at-Large Al Hill, met a young lad who is 41 times younger and already going strong on his computer. The child’s mother was strolling in front of the Microsoft store at Chandler Mall where she allowed us to take a picture.
So it may be correct! By joining and becoming a club member you’ll really be ahead. Again, here are some of the reasons for joining:
You’ll have the opportunity to listen to great speakers September through May that are pros in their field of computing technology. They’ll explain many of its ins and outs.
Free classes to club members
Comradery with others of the same interest
Website: www.computers.org for club information, monthly newsletters and programs, helpful links, downloads, online classes and vendor discount listings
Email broadcasts with meeting reminders and late breaking technology information
Classes scheduled 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Arts and Crafts Room at Sun Lakes Country Club.
Class examples include Excel, Windows 10, iPad, Safety on the Internet, Photoshop, Facebook, File Storage and Computers for Beginners plus others.
Annual dues are $36 individual; $48 two people at one address
You are invited to attend one meeting as a guest before joining. Volunteers at the entrance to the Navajo Room will give you a guest badge. Guests are so welcome! Everyone is welcome!
Class information is available at: www.computerbooters.org/calendar.html.