A season of giving for the SunBird Kare Bears

2016-17 Kare Bear Board members and officers

2016-17 Kare Bear Board members and officers

Rosie VanderVeen

What a fantastic season for the Kare Bears!

Our fundraisers were fun and profitable. Our loyal volunteers were enthusiastic and industrious, serving with poise and grace. The second annual golf tournament was an overwhelming success. Many thanks to Barb Dunbar and her team! The Kare Bear Faires were well attended, allowing us to donate generously to laudable community and non-profit agencies this year. Our memorial committee and volunteers have hosted numerous celebrations of life during the year offering compassion and assistance to SunBird families in their time of bereavement.

At the appreciation luncheon on April 6, we elected Linda Bengston, Shirley Goodman, Deanna Calvert, Margaret Speer and Carol Weatherbee as our new Board members. Larie Thibeault and Barb Dunbar will continue as Treasurer and Secretary respectively. Special awards of appreciation for service went to Nikki Hanley, Shirley Jackson, Bunny Bottorff, Marcia Mchugh, Ruthjon Wick and Barb Dunbar.

The 2016/17 committee chairwomen were announced:

Membership will be headed by Marilyn Miles

Phone calls/cards/address labels for the ailing by Sandy Patrick

Janice James will no longer create cheery mugs; Marcia Mchugh will no longer be delivering them

Kare Bear Faire organizer Ruthjon Wick

SunBird News article Rosie VanderVeen

Memorials Emily Hughes, Jeanne Domas, Margaret Speer and Rosie VanderVeen

Marcia and Janice’s positions are open! If interested in serving, please notify a board member.

Jackie Baker shared that a new Fire Department program was available which would allow access to medical data in emergency situations. The Fire Department would then notify the hospital. Deanna Calvert told the group that a two-page document must be completed and that data will be transferred to a thumb drive. The cost for the thumb drive is $5. Jackie suggested that Kare Bears might get involved in this.

Kare Bears birthday luncheons will take place in the Horizon room on the third Thursday of the month at 11:00 a.m. beginning in May and will continue throughout the summer.

Thanks to our wonderful SunBird community for your continued support!

We appreciate your participation and your generous donations.

Kare Bears year-end donations:


Hamilton Leos (Lions Club relay for life) $100

Clothes Cabin $700

My Sisters Place $700

Neighbors Who Care $600

St Vincent dew Paul (c/o St Mary’s Conference) $500

Matthews Crossing Food Bank $500

Sunbird Lions Club $200

Chandler Lions Club $200

Hamilton High School Homeless $900

Sunbird Garden Club $800

Sunbird PRC for security camera/Hunt Highway and 50 chairs for Ballroom $2,700

Sunbird Golf Club (Power Washer) $500

Chandler Fire Dept. for Christmas toys $400

Sunbird Employees ($480 in $10 Horizon Room certificates) $480