Returning Residents/Renters

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator

Welcome back to SunBird. It is great seeing everyone and returning to a little more normalcy.

I would like to remind everyone that when they return, drop by the HOA office and say hello. We have two new part-time employees at the front desk, Karen and Sue. We will update your file showing that you are back and change your mailing address for the HOA mailings.

If you are a seasonal or full-time renter, we will need a copy of your new renter’s agreement and a copy of your driver’s license to provide you with SunBird IDs. By law, we do need to know who is occupying all homes at all times. If you are a renter who has been coming back to SunBird for years, you will still need to check in at the office and show your driver’s license. All paperwork is shredded every year. If you need a blank renter’s agreement, you can find one on the SunBird website at; click on Documents and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. You can also pick up a rental agreement at the HOA office. It is blue and hanging on the wall next to the table with the newspapers.

I look forward to seeing you return.