SunBird Pickleball holiday celebration (left to right): Maureen Moore, Don Patterson, Jim Zaccone, Dave Scobie, Brian Smith, Eileen Sievers, Brenda Adin, Cherice and Brad Taylor, Arnie Schoettle, Lisa Dingeldein, Cindy Moore, Jack Phillips, Dan and Marianna Buescher, Walt Kinney, Kathy and Brian Long, Gary Martin
February is the month for our annual Pickle 4 Purple Charity event, which is our fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association. So many people have been touched by this devastating disease, and we are looking to raise money for research and caregiving. It is a fun event to play in (all levels are welcome). Volunteers, sponsors, and raffle prizes are always needed. If you have questions or would like to help, please contact Marianna. Everyone has a reason to #ENDALZ.
Welcome to our newest club members Linda Plant and Chris Lano.
Winter hours continue until April 1. The hours are Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 2 to 5 p.m.; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 9 to 11 a.m.; and Wednesday and Saturday from 6 to 9 p.m. Select Saturdays and special events can be found on the flier in the glass case across from the post office. Our year-end event will be held on March 12 at 8 a.m. Your dues cover your meal for this event.
Want to learn how to play? Sign up in the glass case across from the post office on the New Player Orientation sheet. You will be contacted within a week. Other questions? Email or text [email protected], 480-285-4501.
Pickle On!