Crown Royals Win BBB World Series

Sun Lakes United Church of Christ Donation to Justa Center

What a Hiking Season It Was!

Cheers Social Group Activities

Patrol report

Thomas Catri Article V111 – Pet Control: When you are out walking your pet dog or even your cat, they must be on a leash. SunBird Golf Resort Rules and Regulation Article 111, Pet Control, states, “Anyone walking or exercising a pet in any area outside of their own residence shall: Keep such pet on a…

SunBird Summertime Pickleball

Roger Mandeville Yes, the temperatures are rising and many residents have departed for the northland. For those of us who plan to have fun this summer, the pickleball courts are waiting for us to come out and play. The following is the pickleball schedule for the summer months. SunBird summer pickleball hours – May: Monday…

It was a double installation dinner for the SunBird Lions Club

On April 18, the Chandler SunBird Lions Club held its 2017-2018 Installation Dinner in the Ballroom of the SunBird Recreation Center. The dinner was a joint officers’ installation with the Basha High School Leo’s Club. SunBird officers include President Julie Napton, Vice President Bill Hespel, Reporting Secretary Fred Garmeson, Recording Secretary Marilyn Hespel, Treasurer Ken…

Computer Booters goes into summer hibernation

Ed Robson Library’s new branch manager, Jenny Young, and Al Hill

Kc Coller, Publicity Director Our May general meeting was most likely comprised of residents who are year-rounders of the Sun Lakes-SunBird areas. How nice to see all the smiling faces there to listen and ask questions of our guest speaker Jenny Young. It was great to have Alan Levy with us again after his medical…

Footnotes from the Library

Shirley Jackson Henning Mankell (3 February 1948 – 5 October 2015), novelist, playwright, publisher. He wrote the Kurt Wallander novels, a series of crime fiction, which novels were made into a series on PBS. Mankell, a left-wing social critic and activist, reflects his feelings in his writings. Sharing his time between Sweden and countries in…