Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Welcome New Neighbors

Cassie and Jeff Bartholomew Hometown/State: Mason City, Iowa Cassie and Jeff have been married nine years and have four children. They enjoy golf, biking, spending time with family, and water sports. Erick and Colleen Onishi Hometown/State: Concorn, Calif. Erick and Colleen have been married 24 years and have one child. Their interests include gardening, walking,…

Where in the Heck Did Those Weeds Come From?

Catherine Schaeffer, DanSco Realty Group How is it possible to go to sleep one night with your yard looking pristine and lovely and wake up the next day with 12-inch weeds in your yard? Sun and water are the simple answers. The sun-drenched days and picturesque landscapes of SunBird come with a little hitch: the…

Yes, It’s Hot!

Okay, we all know it’s summer in Arizona and the temperatures can be challenging. Why not try an indoor activity with friends, family, and neighbors? Crystal Cards (CC) offers in-home sales. You can invite everyone to your home, CC will bring you a large selection of greeting cards, and you can all “shop” in air-conditioned…

Social Events

Live Music! Featuring Harley Davidson Saturday, Aug. 3, 7 p.m. Live in the Horizon Room—Harley Davidson! Don’t miss this fun-filled night of live acoustic music and humor. Harley will surely keep you dancing and entertained! Horse Races Sunday, Aug. 4 and 18, Horizon Room, 2 to 4 p.m. The Horse Races are trotting towards the…

Golf Course Update

Dave White, Golf Course President Happy summer! I would like to address a few things. We realize the condition of the retention ponds is not what it should be. Some of the problem is the depth of the ponds. After 30 years of run-off from the streets and homeowner houses, the ponds have collected a…