Crown Royals Win BBB World Series

Sun Lakes United Church of Christ Donation to Justa Center

What a Hiking Season It Was!

Cheers Social Group Activities

Apollo II and the glory of God

Dr. Marc Drake, senior pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes Several weeks ago, Americans celebrated the 50th anniversary of a crowning achievement that reflected years of human creativity and ingenuity. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first persons in history to walk on the moon. What a historic event! Of…

Getting to know you

Reverend Jeanne MacLaughlin

Jeanne MacLaughlin is Unity Church of Sun Lakes’ new minister. In the June Splash, we shared her educational and spiritual background, and now here is a glimpse of her personal, human side. Jeanne was born in Wisconsin, the fifth child of six. This is her greatest joy, her loving and supportive family whom she will…

Al-Anon meeting notice

The new 12-step Al-Anon Group meets Monday evenings at 5:00 p.m. in the Lakeview Room (located on the main level by the Pro Shop) of the SunBird clubhouse. If you are concerned about the drinking problems of someone you care about, come and join in on our discussions and receive some help to increase your…