Crown Royals Win BBB World Series

Sun Lakes United Church of Christ Donation to Justa Center

What a Hiking Season It Was!

Cheers Social Group Activities

American/Irish Club Notice

Mary Pilon, Publicity Faith and Begorrah! We just returned from our annual outing to Laughlin on Feb. 4, 5, and 6. Everyone enjoyed our trip very much. Many games and drawings were held on the bus, many treats were handed out, and many laughs were shared. A huge thank you to George Richardson and his…

Card Scores

Euchre Harry Smelser We meet in the Lakeview Room, which is located on the second floor next to the Pro Shop, on Sunday evenings. Doors open at 6 p.m., and we start at 6:30 p.m. Buy-in is 50 cents. If you have any questions, please call Harry Smelser at 480-532-3235. Euchre scores for January, 2020,…

Need Help Picking Fruit?

Arizona is a great place for fruit trees. Mature fruit trees can harvest up to hundreds of fruits and sometimes are not all fruit is picked due to the height of the tree. If you have a fruit tree and are unable to pick or reach the fruit, please contact the SunBird office at 480-802-4901. SunBird residents…

Notes from the Board Meeting

Layne Varney The Board of Directors held their Business Meeting on Jan. 27, 2020. The following are notes from this meeting: President Nancy Eckstein called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. All members of the Board were present. Layne Varney reported he is working with SRP to eliminate the power “BLIPS” we have been…

Footnotes from the Library

Lois Anderson As spring comes to Sunbird, we hope that you will not stop using our library. As the days get warmer, remember you can go outside for longer periods to enjoy a book. Just remember to keep it out of the pool and away from those black birds that poke into everything. We pride ourselves…

Healing with Essential Oils

Paullene Caraher The meeting is on March 11 this month. It was changed to the second Wednesday. It is usually on the first Wednesday. We will be making a blend to enhance the immune system. If your immune system is strong, you rarely get sick. People around you may have colds and flu, but you…