Category: Community News

So Many Books, So Little Time

Dear Reader, If you are a fan of C.S. Lewis with fond memories of reading his The Chronicles of Narnia to your children, or perhaps you found comfort in A Grief Observed, then you might relish this account of an unlikely friendship turned into true love. The novel is subtitled The Improbable Love Story of Joy Davidman…

NAIL: Looking Forward to Interesting Times Ahead

New Adventures President-elect Rob Truman will present Free and Open-Source Software to members via Zoom in April.

Mary Kenny While 2020 was a very difficult year for most of us, 2021 holds great promise. The coming months offer us opportunities to connect with each other and challenge ourselves with new adventures. New Adventures in Learning (NA) is also exploring how to enhance the NA experience for our members during the coming months.…

Multimillion Presidents Circle

Ruth Anne Hobbs When you talk about professionals who are hardworking agents, Ruth Anne Hobbs stands out on that list. She has persevered this past year in so many ways, but her dedication to her clients and business has strived to be better than ever. Congratulations for another year in the Multimillion Presidents Circle from…

The Gratitude Attitude

Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes The story is told of a man who lived on the border between Wisconsin and Minnesota. For years he had assumed that he lived in Minnesota, but a new survey revealed that he actually lived in Wisconsin. His response? “Thank goodness, I never could bear…

Crystal Cards Donation Tops $50,000

Bobbie Reed The Crystal Card Project has donated more than $50,000 to My Sister’s Place since the project began in 2016. This money has been used to help families escaping domestic violence. The needs of these families are sometimes unimaginable. They typically leave with few or no possessions. Their abuser often holds their birth certificates, driver’s…