Crown Royals Win BBB World Series

Sun Lakes United Church of Christ Donation to Justa Center

What a Hiking Season It Was!

Cheers Social Group Activities

Patrol Report

Chief Catri One of the primary purposes of a gated community is to offer its residents safety that they wouldn’t experience in a nearby non-gated community. In addition, many people today crave security, so they locate in a gated community to feel safe. The trend is that crimes against people go down and stay down…

Art Club Notice

Sharon Eade April is here, bringing springtime temperatures and lots of activities to SunBird and to the surrounding communities in the greater Phoenix area. Our Art Club Sale and Show is behind us, and it was a great success. Meeting our friends and neighbors while showcasing the artwork we put so much of ourselves into is…

Social Dance Class Forming

Mary Lou Kaye Entry level basic social dance lessons will begin on Thursday, April 9. Social dancing is designed for those who don’t need to move like Fred and Ginger but want to avoid looking like Abbott and Costello. We’ll learn about the basic dance rhythms as well as the principles of leading and following—also defined as learning…

“Here Comes the Sun”

Harry Huckemeyer As the days move by, I’m sure that we’re all aware that soon the summer months will be here. It’s no secret that many of our friends will be packing and going back to other areas to see their friends and families. March has been a really busy month with so many opportunities…

The Desert Navy Club to Meet April 17

Richard Volpe Looking forward to our next meeting scheduled for Friday, the 17th of April, at 11 a.m. The Desert Navy’s next meeting will be held at the SunBird Community Center in the Lakeview Room located on the main floor close to the elevator. The meetings start at 11 a.m., and all are welcome. Meetings…

SunBird American/Italian Club News

Frank Nechvatal The March meeting was a fun night with games of trivia and list of cities. Treats were provided by the club, along with our usual coffee and ice water. Officers for the next two years were elected at this meeting, and they are President Frank Nechvatal, Vice President Lisa Romero, Secretary Treva Christenson,…