Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Friday 9-Hole Couples Golf

Welcome home, snowbirds! The hot summer did not deter a dozen or so of our faithful members. We admire their dedication but are glad the weather is now a little friendlier. The golf course is ready, and we are anxious to begin. If you love golf and you love to enjoy the fellowship of others,…

SunBird Men’s Club News

Jack Cooper, SunBird Men’s Golf Club President It is finally fall here in the Valley of the Sun, and our fall and winter residents have started returning to beautiful SunBird for some fun and relaxation. On behalf of your Men’s Club president, we would like to welcome you back. The first Men’s Club meeting is…

Bridge Results

Monday Afternoon Bridge Karlene Garn September winners: 9/02. 1st Larry Schoenborn, 2nd LaVonne Buland, 3rd Peggy White 9/09. 1st June Preder, 2nd Chris Nechvatal, 3rd Marilyn Klooster 9/16. 1st June Preder, 2nd Barb Ott, 3rd Chet Howe 9/23. 1st Frank Nechvatal, 2nd Chris Nechvatal, 3rd Carol Dawley 9/30. 1st Delores Kwamme, 2nd Larry Schoenborn, 3rd…

Card Scores

500 Darlene Thompson We meet in the Apache Room, which is located on the top floor of the clubhouse, on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. Buy-in is 50 cents. If you have any questions, please call Darlene Thompson at 602-460-1501 and leave a message and she will get back to you. September winners: 9/05. 1st…

Swinging Into Action

Sharlene Jerome For those of you who not only like to play tennis but also enjoy watching the pros, you may have seen this tagline on U.S. Open Arthur Ashe Stadium: “Tennis Is the World’s Healthiest Sport.” So, why is it such a contender for this honor? Comprehensive Physical Benefits: Tennis provides an excellent full-body…