Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Card Scores

500 We meet in the Apache Room, which is located on the top floor of the clubhouse, on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. Buy-in is 50 cents. If you have any questions, please call Darlene Thompson at 602-460-1501 and leave a message and she will get back to you. October winners: 10/03. 1st (tie) Gleva…

Bridge Results

Monday Afternoon Bridge Karlene Garn October winners: 10/07. 1st Mary Jo Howe, 2nd Shirley Jackson, 3rd Beth Miller 10/14. 1st Barb Ott, 2nd Larry Schoenborn, 3rd June Preder 10/21. 1st Larry Schoenborn, 2nd Beth Miller, 3rd Karlene Garn 10/28. 1st June Preder, 2nd Peggy White, 3rd LaVonne Buland Wednesday Morning Bridge October winners: 10/09. 1st…

What Do You Say to a Gold Star Mom?

Kathy Sinnott How often do we see heroes wearing insignias or uniforms that identify one’s service in the military or other hero profession? How often do we then congratulate and thank them for their service? For the Gold Star Moms who wear the Gold Star lapel pin, it’s of the utmost importance to approach them…

SunBird Patrol

The SunBird Patrol would like to wish all our residents a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Speed Limits and Stop Signs: Patrol has addressed the complaints about speeding delivery vehicles not stopping at stop signs. Just a friendly reminder: Please be sure to watch your speeds while driving around the community, and be sure…

FUN da MENTAL Bridge Classes

FUN da MENTAL Bridge is offering a variety of bridge classes starting in January. Learn with Better Bridge instructors Karin Hansen, Maria Davis, and Rose Gangel. Back by popular demand! Have fun. Exercise your brain. Hundreds of your neighbors have taken enjoyable, stimulating FUN da MENTAL Bridge lessons over the past several years. Bridge for…

Patrol Services

SunBird Patrol Mission statement: To increase the effectiveness of patrol services by working in partnership with the community to safeguard life and property and to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood. The SunBird Patrol strives to be progressive in our approach to community safety, crime prevention, and service to the community. Moving forward…