Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Bridge Results

Monday Afternoon Bridge 07/07. 1st Larry Schdenborn, 2nd Walt Ware, 3rd Rose Brown and Dorothy Sykes 07/14. 1st Dolores Kramme, 2nd Mel Huser, 3rd Peggy White; Slams: Mel Huser and Dolores Kramme 07/21. 1st Janette Schott, 2nd Irene Hirschkoph, 3rd Peggy White 07/28. 1st Walt Ware, 2nd Janette Schott, 3rd Rose Brown Wednesday Morning Mixed…

Other Card Results

500 Cards Darlene Thompson We meet in the Lakeview Room on the second floor by the Pro Shop on Thursday evenings and start to play at 7:00 p.m. Please come early. Buy-in is $.50. We are still playing 500 in the Lakeview Room for the summer months. If we do not have more than three…

MS Encouragement Group

Treva Christenson The MS Encouragement Organization offers independent “encouragement groups.” The purpose of this group is to provide education, encouragement, self-empowerment and information to those affected, their families and care partners. The group meets on the third Wednesday of the month at noon except for November and December due to the holidays. Lunch is available…

SunBird Kare Bears prepares for another successful season

Shirley Jackson It has been so peaceful and quiet this summer in SunBird, which leaves the year-round Kare Bears slowly preparing for the revival of the monthly meetings and what we can accomplish in the months ahead. We are gearing up for our monthly Kare Bear Faires inviting vendors to participate and gathering donated items…

Welcome back!

Eric Ehst, Executive Director To all who’ve been away this summer – we missed you! Summer is always tough at NWC. About 40 percent of our volunteers leave for cooler climes; staff members want to take a much-needed vacation; donations drop off; and it’s just plain hot. This year we’ve also dealt with mini-tornados and…

Interested in becoming a board candidate?

As we near the end of the year and our election time, there will be three SunBird Golf Resort Homeowner Association board member positions open for terms of three years of service. If you are a SunBird homeowner in good standing, willing to meet at least twice monthly September through June and willing to study,…