Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Roadrunners free dance

Roadrunners Golf is sponsoring a free dance on Saturday, February 21 from 7:00–10:00 p.m. in the SunBird Ballroom. Music will be provided by the Riff Raff band. A full cash bar will be available and bring snacks for your table. All SunBird residents and their guests are invited.

Patrol Report – January 2015

Ray Taylor Hard to believe it’s next year already. Last year was another good year for SunBird. No major crimes were reported to patrol, with very little petty theft. Even speeders are getting hard to catch. However, many drivers still are not coming to a complete stop, but most are slowing down if not stopping.…

Want to Kare? Be a Bear!

The Kare Bear Board delivers toys to Chandler Fire Department

Rosie VanderVeen Our November meeting began with presentations by three candidates for the HOA board, Nancy Eckstein, Walt Griffin and Jim Fetterman. Reports by committee chairs were presented. Ruth Jon Wick shared results of the Kare Bear Faire and reported new vendors have been enrolled for the Faire on December 6. Shirley Goodman reported on…

The No Scrooge neighborhood

Santa visits a client of Neighbors Who Care!

Eric Ehst, Executive Director It’s the holiday season again. Anyone who has read Dickens’ A Christmas Carol or seen one of the many movie versions remembers that moment when Scrooge realizes that a person’s true legacy is not how much money he accumulated but the difference he made in the lives of others. The moment is…