Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

2015 SBGA report

Welcome to all the returning snowbirds. We have some exciting deals for you. After 3:00 p.m. on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays we offer walk-on nine hole golf for $10. The Pro Shop has jackets at a 30 percent discount. Heavy sunshine is coming so make sure you have one of our sunshade hats. The…

American/Italian Club notice

Frank Nechvatal The January meeting featured a pizza party. Again, members brought canned goods for contribution to the St. Mary’s Food Bank. President Bob Sciaretta and his bride were out of town exploring Panama. The meeting was conducted by a former club president. Members enjoyed the pizza and the camaraderie. Of course, our Treasurer Herb…

Chorale’s inspiration

Jan Ott After another well-received December Holiday Concert, Chorale members are enthusiastically exploring new music and composers in preparation for their annual Spring Concert on Thursday, March 19. The next concert’s theme will be “Why We Sing,” and the group’s versatility and enthusiasm for their music will be evidenced in the varied program they will…

Dahn Yoga class schedule

Join us for Energy (Dahn) Yoga When: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; mornings from 7:45-8:45 a.m.; afternoons from 4:15–5:15 p.m. Where: SunBird Golf Resort Navajo Room, third floor No cost; donations are accepted. If you have questions call Paullene Caraher on cell phone at 602-292-7858 Or e-mail at [email protected]. New participants are welcome. This is not…

American-Irish Club news

Mary Pilon, Secretary The January meeting of the Irish Club was held on Tuesday, January 6 in the Horizon Room. President Walt Kinney opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, then welcomed our nine new members. In all, there were 67 members present. The minutes of the December meeting were read,…