Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

SunBird Film Series

Ron Krambeer and Sara Schmidt Our 2015 film series that began in February will conclude with two films in April. On April 13 we will show District of Corruption, a sweeping attempt to examine political corruption in both parties. Judicial Watch produced this film. Then on April 27 we will get back to jihad in…

Health Education Seminar – your input

When: Usually the third Wednesday of the month from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Where: Navajo Room, third floor of SunBird Golf Resort, 6250 S. SunBird. Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85249, located off Riggs Road between Cooper and McQueen; turn in on Championship Dr. The purpose of the seminars is to give information on old and new ways of…

Need help picking fruit?

Arizona is a great place for fruit trees. Mature fruit trees can harvest up to hundreds of fruits and sometimes are not all picked due to the height of the tree. If you have a fruit tree and are unable to pick or reach the fruit, please contact the SunBird office at 802-4901. SunBird residents…

Goodbye To The Pool party

When: Thursday, April 30 Cost: $20 per person Pig roast with all the fixings! Wine tasting, fire dancers and a DJ. Wear your favorite Hawaiian outfit; coconut shells and grass skirts are welcome. Come and join us to say aloha to the old pool!

Spring is blooming at Women’s Connection

Wanda Hanssen

Susan Reynhout Spring is in the air. Flowers are blooming. What a great time for a girlfriend get together. How about having brunch with your favorite friends? Invite them to join you on Thursday, April 9 for Women’s Connection Brunch in the Kingston Ballroom of Oakwood Clubhouse. Owners Heather Norton and Haley McCoy of Paris…

Road to the Vote – April 2015

We have a decision The results of the CC&R ballot were reported by Election Committee Chairperson Shirley Clark at the Annual Meeting on March 2; 1,128 homeowners cast ballots and 503 did not. Therefore, we started out with 503 No votes; six amendments were approved and two defeated as follows: 1. Should we have term…