Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

National Day of Prayer Continental Breakfast

Shane Krauser

Susan Reynhout Sun Lakes Women’s Connection and SunBird Prayer Group will sponsor a National Day of Prayer Continental Breakfast on Thursday, May 7 at 9:00 a.m. Everyone in Sun Lakes, SunBird and the surrounding areas are encouraged to attend this very special event. You will hear patriotic music, listen to an engaging speaker and spend…

This, That and Other Stuff – April 2015

Bob Neuman Ever experience dry mouth, stomach cramps, a fast heart rate, shaky hands, blushing, trembling legs and a croaky voice? If a man, you may be thinking, “Only when I meet a good looking babe.” Actually, you may have glossophobia, the fear of public speaking. The anxiety may begin days before the event and…

Coming in July

Steve Schneck Just think – when you walk into Cottonwood’s San Tan Ballroom it will appear you are in a radio auditorium in the 1940s. With Roger Edmonds directing, the evening program consists of three shows: The Bickerson’s; On a Country Road, a suspense thriller; and will finish with the classic Jack Benny program, Your Money…

SunBird Garden Club – April 2015

Pictured are Janet Girard, Jan Davidson, Shirley Goodman, Jackie Cox, Nan Atchley and Mary Regan who along with Fay Asmundson, Karen Button, Susie Herigstad and Donna Wolff were a dedicated committee that made the clubhouse more attractive by redoing the silk and dry arrangements. Jan Davidson chaired the committee.They spent a lot of time and energy getting just the right items for each area. Jan and Janet spent hours washing the old flowers.

Jean Anderson March showers bring April flowers as they say, but it seems everyone else in the country is still getting showers of snow while SunBird is nice and warm and our flowers are already bursting forth. March is such a busy time for the garden club with the Home Tour. It takes a village…

A golfing legacy

What does it mean to leave a legacy, a heritage, a personal footprint that can make a difference to the future of our Golf Club? It means recognizing that this club was our home course for many years. It means honoring the good times and lasting friendships it gave us. It means improving the financial…

SunBird Singers do it again!

Ed Treglia Shakespeare once wrote “Brevity is the soul of wit.” The implication here is that a short program to some is subjectively more preferable. The SunBird Singers did it again; they have disproven Shakespeare’s logic which produced a perception that the people did not want the program to end. The old adage that more…