Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Line Dancing with Judee

The reward in teaching line dancing is when you see what the dancers are doing now compared to a year ago. Some of the dancers in the Basics Plus Class have only been dancing for a year or two. Not only were they happy learning and dancing Higher and Higher, Queen of My Heart and Over…

Chair aerobic classes

Treva Christenson Come join us for laughter and a good time! We meet on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. in the Navajo Room upstairs. Join us for coffee in the Horizon Room on Tuesday after chair aerobics.

Join Bunco

Treva Christenson Come join us for fun and laughter on the first Friday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the Pima Room for Bunco. Call Treva Christenson for more information at 480-273-8963.

SunBird American German Club news and happenings

Trish Deflieze The March meeting of our club was a great success. After the business meeting we viewed a very interesting film of a Zeppelin flight over the Boden See. The scenery was truly magnificent. We are pleased to announce the election of our new officers for the 2015-2016 season. Dolores Kline and Larry Schoenborn…

SunBird Horseshoe Club concludes season

Bob Neuman The long standing SunBird Horseshoe Club finished the winter season on March 25, marking the end of the competition and camaraderie until fall. Thanks to Charley and Peggy Nadeu who were in charge of a hotdog lunch held at the pits following the last match and to all who contributed to make a…

Northwest Patio Party a success

Friday, March 13 was a fun day for the annual Northwest Patio Party and Golf Outing. Seahawks hats and shirts were on display, along with a couple of Mariners shirts and a Ducks hat or two. The weather was nearly perfect, no rain in sight. Just sunshine and clear blue skies. A perfect day for…