Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

SunBird American Italian Club news

Frank Nechvatal Our April baked potato buffet meeting in the Ballroom marked the end of the 2014/2015 season. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Horizon Room. Everyone enjoyed the dishes brought by the members along with the chili made by Chris Nechvatal and Emily Hardy for the potatoes.…

Manager’s Report

Where is everyone going? The weather is terrific here and some of our residents start leaving to go to their summer residences. This has been a very eventful and exciting season with many fun filled activities and events. Even though about half of the SunBird population leaves for the summer and another quarter of them…

ACC permit process

SunBird is a master planned community with rules and regulations to preserve and protect the lifestyle and look of our community. Any exterior changes to your home or property needs Architectural Control Committee (ACC) review and approval to ensure compliance of standards to maintain a beautiful community. When you submit your ACC application for approval,…

Food donations needed

If you are a winter visitor or a year round resident and leave for a period of time during the summer, you probably have extra food you don’t want to throw out but don’t know what to with. I work for a downtown Chandler food bank called Matthew’s Crossing. If you would like to donate…

Edgar Cayce study group

Our “Search for God” study group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. We explore the readings of Edgar Cayce who is recognized as the greatest psychic of the 20th century and the founder of holistic healing. We strive to be healthier, peaceful and to be one with the…