Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

SunBird Community Church

Bob Neuman When we stop and consider the condition of our world and evil in it, our mind may turn to Revelations and how God has laid out his plan of events when our Savior returns to this earth and takes us home. “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming in which all…

Word of the Month: Ephemeral vs. Ethereal

David Zapatka Reader, friend and fellow table tennis player, June Wagner, explains that the words “ephemeral” and “ethereal” are sometimes used inappropriately since they sound so familiar. They are very different. “Ephemeral” (əˈfem(ə)rəl) refers to something that is brief, fleeting or quickly passing. “Ethereal” (əˈthirēəl) refers to something lacking material substance, marked by unusual delicacy…

Do you know?

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator The Architectural Control Committee is in the process of forming two subcommittees within the ACC Committee to work on two important issues. The first subcommittee will be working on reviewing the ACC Guidelines for the golf course walls on private properties (ACC Guidelines, page seven, item no. 1). Many of these…

Email news group

SunBird has an e-mail newsletter and special notices program to improve communications with homeowners. If you are not registered for this SunBird e-mail list or you are not sure if you are, please go to the SunBird website at and click on the icon picture of the e-mail chimp (monkey) at the top of…

SunBird Lions celebrates 20 years of service

Lions Jean Boddington and Marilyn Klooster received the Melvin Jones Fellowship for their years of outstanding service to the SunBird Lions Club.

Fred Garmeson On April 21 the SunBird Lions celebrated 20 years of service to the community, the state and the world at their annual installation dinner. There were displays highlighting fundraising and service projects over the past 20 years. Guest speaker District 21-B Governor, Lion Larry Palmer, talked about the accomplishments of the club. He…

Sunday breakfast buffet

Sunday breakfast buffet is now available each Sunday for $8.50. For lighter diners we will now be offering a small list for order off the menu. The Horizon Room is open for Sunday breakfast from 8:00 a.m.-noon. We look forward to seeing you.