Rotary Club – March 2025

The ImproVables Will Perform at IronOaks on April 1

Hidden Gems

New Homeowners Meet and Greet Event

Food donations needed

If you are a winter visitor or a year round resident and leave for a period of time during the summer, you probably have extra food you don’t want to throw out but don’t know what to with. I work for a downtown Chandler food bank called Matthew’s Crossing. If you would like to donate…

News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care, Inc.

NWC to administer memory program Carol Bowers, Volunteer Manager S.M.A.R.T. Strategic Memory and Alzheimer’s Rehabilitation Training The statistics about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are staggering. For many of us, this is enough to give any of us pause as to the future of our cognitive health. The fact is we are living longer. As someone…

Thank You, Friends

The SunBird library volunteers would like to give a grateful thank you to Irene Coatta for her unique and masterful mural on the back side of the art cabinet in the Clubhouse hallway. She has turned an obstacle into a fun mural, a genuine art keeper. Take a minute or two to go see her…

It’s time to trim your palm trees

Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator Just a friendly reminder that as summer is approaching us it is time to have your palm trees trimmed. Pruning should be performed no more than once a year if done, preferably at the end of June or July. Please determine if it is time for you to prune your palm…

Post Office announcement

Lynette Martens, Manager The SunBird Post Office is happy to announce the name of the full time postal carrier for Route No. 36. Welcome to SunBird Geny Alegre. She is busy getting acquainted with the route and eager to meet and greet each resident. Going on a vacation? Come to the SunBird Post Office to…