Free meditation practice on Wednesdays at Sunbird Golf Resort is suspended until further notice. Call Paullene if you have questions: 602-292-7858, [email protected].

Free meditation practice on Wednesdays at Sunbird Golf Resort is suspended until further notice. Call Paullene if you have questions: 602-292-7858, [email protected].
Shirley Jackson Welcome back, winter visitors. The Kare Bears are ready to serve you again. Our first meeting will be held Wednesday, October 21, 2015, at 1:00 p.m. in the SunBird Ballroom. If you would like to participate you would be welcome to attend. We will have snacks and drinks available and highlights of our…
Dixie Roberts That’s Entertainment, a variety show with singing, dancing, comedy and audience participation is coming soon to Sunbird on Thursday, November 5 at 7:00 p.m. East Valley’s Dancin’ Dixie Chic and her dance partner Bob Mummelthei bring you tunes from Broadway to country to new age! It’s all a lot of fun! You may…
Help a veteran and save on your taxes Art Sloane Tax time is approaching in just a few months and I like many others are not looking forward to it, but there is a way to save and not give as much to the state but to worthy causes. If you are married you may…
Effective October 1: SunBird Post Office Hours 9:00 a.m. To 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
One morning last month, the office received a distress call from a SunBird resident that an unknown animal was in the garage since the following night, banging on the door and crashing items in the garage causing havoc all night long. Too terrified to look into the garage, the homeowner called the SunBird office to…