Only You Can Prevent Speed Bumps …

The Rules Compliance Committee is partnering with HOA management, including Patrol, to create the “Slow Down and Stop” Campaign. It is no secret that traffic remains the number one safety issue within SunBird. Several accidents have happened in SunBird, which have resulted in injury to residents. These accidents more than likely could have been prevented if people were adhering to the speed limit law and/or stopping at the stop signs.

The plan is to implement a phased approach. Phase I will include flashing lights at one of the stop signs at Waterview and Championship, along with a fresh stop bar and a stenciled word “STOP” painted on the road. The lights will flash until dark. The stop sign will be monitored to see if there is any impact. (Are people stopping?) Phase II may include additional flashing lights at other stop signs, as well as more stop bars. If the committee cannot find a way to slow people down and stop when asked to, we may need to put in additional speed bumps within the community to try to slow people down.

Let’s try to work together to prevent further injuries within SunBird. Please share this information with your friends and neighbors.