Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting

Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary

The board of directors met May 22 for a regular scheduled business meeting, and these are the notes from that meeting.

Members present: Nancy Eckstein, Dirk Close, Jim Anderson, Dan Buescher, Bob Morris, Chuck Heitbrink, and Manager Layne Varney

The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Nancy Eckstein. There were over 50 residents in attendance.

The board reviewed the minutes of the April 24, 2023, business meetings and executive session. No additions or corrections, minutes approved by common consent.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Jim with the year-to-date results through March 2023. Year-to-date revenue of $866,925 and expenses of $742,701. Revenue over expenses year to date was $124,224, which was adverse to budget of $25,935. Restaurant sales were 10% above budget with expenses 24% over year-to-date budget. Total cash on hand at month end was $1,592,926 with the following funds:

Operating Account $373,610

Contingency Fund $360,907

Reserve Fund $812,746

Capital Improvement Fund $21,001

Golf & Comm. Beautification Fund $24,663

There were two Reserve Fund expenditures of $35,650 for clubhouse A/C units and $5,000 for clubhouse rain gutters. Home sales for March were 13, and year to date were 29, with a budget of 30 YTD.

Layne presented the Manager’s Report.

Administration: We had 10 home sales in April with sales of 39 through April. The first half homeowners’ assessments were mostly current, with only two lot owners being delinquent. Second half assessments are being prepared.

Horizon Room: Summer scheduling has begun. The restaurant is open 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Tuesday through Saturday and 8 a.m. through 2 p.m. on Sunday and Monday. The new summer menu will be introduced soon. Staffing continues to be a challenge to find consistent staff for the kitchen.

Clubhouse: Spring/summer cleaning has begun around the clubhouse. The hallway carpets were cleaned, touch-up paint in and around the clubhouse, re-stained RV gates, sports courts completely cleaned, and the bulletin boards have been refurbished and painted, are just some of the projects. The A/C unit in the Lapidary/Ceramics Rooms has been repaired, and one of the A/C units in the Fitness Room will be replaced.

Common Area: The landscape trim cycle of the bushes and plants has started. Solar Sonic Spikes have been installed along Hunt Highway west of Championship to help control the gophers. The common area trees and palm trees will be trimmed in July by an outside contractor.

Patrol: The monsoon season is coming, and the gates, clubhouse, and pools could be restricted. The lightning policy was reviewed. White stop bars have been repainted, and equipment has been ordered to add red stop lights to the stop signs. SunBird residents were reminded again that the speed limits must be reduced, or speed humps will be installed. Two separate accidents on Riggs Road have damaged the street lights on Riggs Road, and it may take several months to have these replaced.

The SunBird Lions were thanked for funding (over $10,000) for the new automated gate for emergency vehicles at the Waterview entrance.

Committee Liaison Reports:

Architectural Control: Dirk reported that April had 44 permits issued and 223 to date. Residents were reminded that palm tree season was approaching, and weeds continue to be a problem, and several letters have been sent to homeowners. The fruit pickers have completed picking for the season with 168 trees picked. Homeowners are reminded to trim their taller fruit trees and to have the trees thinned to prevent injury to the pickers next season.

Finance: Jim reported that YTD financials for March 2023, including revenue, expenses, and balance sheets have been reviewed. Variances were reviewed and discussed by the committee. The Project Review projects were also reviewed. The committee reviewed insurance coverage, and some areas may require stronger coverage.

Project Review: Dan discussed the water fountain in front of the outdoor stage. Two projects are being considered. First, to remove the current fountain and cement the area for additional seating and dancing, then, secondly, replace and relocate a new fountain. Some additional projects are behind schedule and will be completed as funds are available.

HOA/Golf Board: Nancy reported the Golf Course expressed their desire to renew the lease between the SunBird Golf Club, Inc., and the SunBird Golf Resort Homeowners Association. Discussion on the lease will take place in the fall. The Golf Club has also asked to have their annual overseeding letter included in the second half annual dues mailing. This request will be made later during the board meeting. The committee members agreed on a final revision of the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), and it will be voted on later during the board meeting.

Rules: Bob reported that a resident appealed a fine for a rules infraction, and the committee will mail a letter to the resident within 10 days detailing the committee’s recommendation. The Traffic Safety Task Force was discussed. Dan Russel has researched flashing lights for the Stop signs at the Waterview and Championship intersection. Volunteers are needed for repainting the Stop and Slow signs on the roads.

Welcoming & Marketing: Chuck reported that the committee did not meet, and the next meeting will be on Oct. 17, 2023.

Dan moved to accept the request to remove and fill the current water feature in front of the stage. The estimated cost of this project will be $5,500. Julie Anderson provided the board with information concerning the projects. Dirk seconded. Motion approved 6/0.

Dan moved to accept the request to relocate and replace the current fountain. The location will be south of the stage area. The estimated cost of this project will be $5,800. Lisa Onyx presented the board with pictures of the proposed fountain and advised that the Garden Club would contribute $2,500 to the project. Bob seconded. Motion approved 6/0. The Garden Club was thanked for their generosity.

Nancy moved that the following homeowners, being in good standing, be appointed to the Election Committee: Barb Ott, Joan Bruening, and Pat McGonegal. Motion passed 6/0. Homeowners were reminded that the election deadline for the three open board positions is Aug. 31. This information will be in the SunBird News and the SunBird Blast prior to the deadline.

Nancy moved that the revised Memorandum of Understanding between the SunBird Golf Resort Association and the SunBird Golf Club be approved. She discussed how the funds are collected and allocated for various projects. Bob seconded. During the homeowner comments, it was recommended that the hold harmless requirement only apply to services and not to equipment purchases. Dave White, president of the Golf Course, agreed that this was the intent in the MOU. With that information, the board voted, and the motion was approved 6/0. Signatures on the MOU will be obtained in the fall when all members of both boards are back in SunBird.

Bob discussed the progress of the recently approved projects of repairing the maintenance building and the new doors. He commented on how good they look and encouraged residents to check out the project, as they are enhancing the appearance of the area.

Nancy reported that a homeowner had requested that SRP install a shield fixture on the street light across from his house. SRP stated they would place a shield on the fixture only if the HOA approved and the HOA accepted all liability. At the March board meeting, the request was denied 5/0. The homeowner, Don DeNeault, asked that the board review their decision, which was agreed to and placed on this month’s agenda. Prior to today’s meeting, Nancy, Dan, Jim, and Layne met with two representatives from SRP and Don to discuss the issue. SRP now stated that their legal department will not allow a shield to be installed on the light. SRP did agree to install a different type of light. After the meeting, Don agreed to remove the item from today’s agenda. In an effort to advise the community that the issue was addressed and the homeowner agreed to remove it from the agenda, we left it on the agenda to discuss our findings. This matter is now closed.

The Golf Course presented their annual letter to the community for donations to contribute to the overseeding of the tees, fairways, and greens. Nancy moved to accept the request. Dirk seconded. Motion passed 6/0.

The Comment sheets were reviewed by Layne.

Homeowners’ comments were made at the meeting and were either answered by the board or will be communicated back to the individual who raised the question at the meeting.

Board members thanked the residents for attending the meeting, wished them a good summer, and thanked the various organizations and clubs that have contributed to SunBird to make it the place it is today.

Nancy advised the community that a SunBird resident had filed a petition with the Arizona Department of Real Estate accusing the board of violating SunBird’s CC&Rs. The board obtained legal counsel who represented us at two hearings, May 1 and May 15. This issue is now in the hands of the judge.

With no further business, President Nancy Eckstein adjourned the meeting at 10:58 a.m.

The next scheduled board business meeting is Monday, Sept. 25, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. All are welcome to attend.