Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting

Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary

The board of directors met Nov. 21 for a regular scheduled business meeting. These are the approved meeting notes from that meeting.

Members present: Steve Seel, Lisa Onyx, Jim Anderson, Dan Buescher, Dirk Close, Nancy Eckstein, Chuck Heitbrink, and Manager Layne Varney.

The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President Steve Seel. There were 40 residents in attendance.

The board reviewed the minutes of the Oct. 18, 2022, Executive Session and the Oct. 24, 2022, Business Meeting. Motion to approve with corrections. Approved 7/0.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Jim with the year-to-date results through Sept. 31 with revenue of $2,155,266 and expenses of $1,896,667. Revenue over expenses was $258,598, which was adverse to budget of $80,890, primarily due to the restaurant. Total cash on hand at month end was $1,429,720 with the following funds:

Operating Account $283,347

Contingency Fund $339,807

Reserve Fund $788,153

Golf Beautification Fund $16,980

Layne presented the Manager’s Report.

Administration: Home sales are 8 for October, and total 101 for the year.

There is one account greater than a year delinquent and six accounts three months delinquent. Electronic dues payments will be available for the upcoming billing period. The first half assessment billing will be prepared on Tuesday, Nov. 29. Volunteers are needed. Cox Communications continues to install the fiber optic cable lines for SunBird.

Horizon Room: Julie Rundle and the Horizon Room Team are moving forward with some new changes. Beginning Nov. 28, the food and beverage hours will be expanded to 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Beginning Jan. 8, the Horizon Room will be open for breakfast on Sunday from 8 a.m. until noon.

Activities: Layne detailed several of the activities of the month with more to come.

Clubhouse: The outdoor stage is almost complete, just waiting for the installation of shade coverings. Temporary solar lighting has been installed over the area. The laundry room floor and refurbish project is complete. Layne thanked the Garden Club for refurbishing the planters and plants around the stage area.

Landscape Common Area: The crew has been working overtime on Saturdays to keep up with the maintenance and landscaping.

Committee Liaison Reports:

Architectural Control: Dirk reported that 62 permits had been issued so far through November and 449 year to date. The committee will be moving to a once-a-month meeting. Residents were reminded that permits are rolling until the work is complete, due to delays from manufacturers and contractors.

Finance: Jim reported that July YTD financials, including revenue, expenses, and balance sheets, have been reviewed. The Project Review Projects were reviewed.

The committee discussed the upcoming financial audit and voted unanimously to retain Butler and Hansen for the 2022 financial audit.

Project Review: Dan reported that the outdoor stage is almost complete. The main pool is replastered, and the small pool will be replastered next. At this time, the laundry room repairs will be completed.

Rules: Nancy reported that the board approved the updated rules, and the manual is posted on the website. Dan reported that the current fine schedule must stay in place. He also reported that the speed signs have been placed. The committee briefly discussed Electronic Voting.

Welcoming & Marketing: Chuck reported that over 100 homeowners have been sent invitations to the social event planned for Jan. 12. Several fun activities are planned, and homeowners will be given a gift bag when they leave. The committee will be meeting on the third Thursday at 9 a.m. in the Apache Room.

HOA/Golf Board: The plans remain in place for weddings on the 9th hole, and the installation of the cell tower will begin in early Summer 2023. It was agreed to review the Memorandum of Understanding that was written in May of 2021 concerning the $300 from new home sales. Steve reviewed the agenda for the Nov. 30 meeting addressing drainage, and any requests for capital improvements would be held until after the meeting. Julie asked if the HOA was interested in co-purchasing a wood chipper. Layne will report back concerning the cost and liability. Nancy reported that some residents are concerned about the horseshoe area in front of the clubhouse, because it is full of golfers and their carts. Julie will investigate the problem.

The Finance Committee requested to maintain Butler and Hansen for the 2022 Financial Audit. The motion was made by Jim and seconded by Chuck. The board approved the motion 7/0.

Layne reported that the Election Committee announced the winners of the Board of Directors election. There were two candidates for the three openings. Nancy Eckstein and Bob Morris were elected with 36 percent of the community participating in the election.

Dan proposed that 12 windows and one door in the pool table room be replaced. The estimated cost of the project is $23,454. This funding would come from the Capital Improvement Fund. Questions were asked about additional windows to replace. The board was advised that the committee does not have intentions of replacing the windows on the north side of the clubhouse. Motion to approve by Dan and seconded by Dirk. Approved 7/0.

The board reported on their progress on the 2022 goals.

Digital trends: Currently, we are in process of beginning electronic fund transfer of dues, and the electronic voting will be placed on hold until June 23. It was determined that the company assisting with the voting has satisfactory security measures in place.

Evaluate Long Term needs of the community based on changing demographics: Additional activities and projects are still being planned.

SunBird Employee Success Plans: This has been completed, and the procedures were put in place when hiring a new manager for the Horizon Room.

Resource Development within SunBird: The current needs of the community are being met, and new projects are being addressed in a timely manner.

Engaging the Community: A meeting was held, and each committee presented their objectives and plans for their committee. The Code of Conduct was discussed for all committee members. The information presented was very valuable and will be placed on the website. Due to the low attendance, no further meetings are scheduled.

Nancy discussed the procedures for the CC&R consent forms and advised that a new policy was created; however, since the board received a letter with a completely new set of procedures just prior to the meeting from a resident, this change in the CC&Rs consent form will be put on hold, and further recommendations would be put on the website.

Chuck discussed the format for the Informational Meeting to be held on Nov. 30. This informational meeting will have a report from the civil engineer and our attorney concerning the responsibility of drainage. The meeting is for information only; however, our attorney will answer questions as they pertain to the legal responsibility of drainage. The questions will be taken only on cards issued at the meeting.

The Comment sheets were reviewed by Layne.

Several homeowners’ comments were made at the meeting and were either answered by the board or will be communicated back to the individual who raised the question at the meeting.

Board members thanked the residents for attending the meeting.

With no further business, President Steve Seel adjourned the meeting at 11:08 a.m.

The next scheduled board business meeting is Monday, Feb. 27, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. All are welcome to attend.