Pam Tiffany, Tennis Club Treasurer, presents a donation of $200 to Marianna Beuscher, President of the Pickleball Club, all for Alzheimer’s.
Jenifer Walden
On January 26, we were invited to play in a tournament at Springfield. It was a competition of SunBird vs. Springfield/Sun Lakes. It was a day of great tennis, good food and camaraderie. SunBird took the day with a total of 21 points vs. 15 points for our competitors.
We hosted the players from Trilogy here at SunBird on February 2. It was a cliff hanger, but Trilogy prevailed, beating us 30 to 26. Congratulations, Trilogy, and a valiant effort from SunBird! Many thanks to Lani Pappano and Jeanne Anderson for coordinating a scrumptious baked potato bar, and kudos to all of you who volunteered your help and donated side dishes.
On February 9, we are invited to Sun Lakes for some competitive tennis and a great luncheon. Go SunBird!
March 2, we will be playing at Springfield; March 9, we have invited Palm Creek to play on our SunBird courts; and finally, we have our year-end picnic and in-house tournament here at home on March 24. Be sure to sign up with Dianna for all of these events! She will post signup sheets on the bulletin board or you can email her.
Although our official tennis season ends March 31, many of us will still be here, honing our skills, all through the long, hot summer. So even though our organized league play is in suspend mode, please continue to reserve the courts for your activities from April 1 through September 30 on the court reservation sheets posted on the tennis bulletin board.
Many of us have family members or friends who have been touched and devastated by Alzheimer’s disease. The SunBird Pickleball Club is sponsoring its annual Alzheimer’s Fundraiser February 9 and 10, and the SunBird Tennis Club is pleased to donate $200 towards this most worthy cause. Thank you, Dan and Marianna Beuscher, for organizing this event.
Remember, tennis is all about the LOVE of the game.