May Art Club Update

Sharon Eade

What a great season we have had! We welcomed a number of new members this year, bringing with them great energy and so much talent. The willingness to share ideas and “how to” techniques with each other creates such a positive atmosphere of learning as we all continue to grow as artists and have fun in the process.

Our members created painted rocks of various fun and silly subjects to be added to the Rock Snake by the bocce ball courts. Check out the art displays by the library, as we continue to feature individuals and their wonderful artworks to be enjoyed by all who come in the clubhouse. As the featured artists change throughout the year, be sure to keep an eye out so you don’t miss any of the featured works.

A big thank you goes to Sue Schutt and her husband who hosted us with a wonderful evening as we gathered for good food and wonderful fellowship in their lovely home, as many of our members begin returning to their summer homes. For those of us who stay throughout the year, we will continue meeting on Fridays in the Hopi Room from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and we welcome anyone who would like to come by and see if you would like to join us in a casual and enjoyable atmosphere. We have an assortment of materials available and are happy to help get you started if you would like to see if our Art Club would be for you.

Here’s to the beginning of a great summer season, wherever it may be!