Lions Club Resumes Meetings and Continues Programs

SunBird Lions meet at 4:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month until April. New members are welcome to come and see what a wonderful feeling it is to help those who are less fortunate or have sight or hearing problems. Bringing holiday gifts to children who may not receive one is also something we Lions do. The list is endless, so please come and share the great excitement when we see or hear the joy that we, as Lions, bring to others.

Our Flag Program, headed by Lion Carol Zittel, has over 630 flags that go up for all national holidays.

If you are new to SunBird or never had a flag placed on your property or would like to give a flag to a friend or neighbor, there are forms in the SunBird clubhouse to fill out your information. You can also contact Lion Carol at 480-883-0958.

Lion Gail Holland can help you with your medical supply needs, such as canes, wheelchairs, commodes, high-rise seats, etc. You can reach Lion Gail at 480-883-7310.

If you or someone you know has eyewear, hearing aids, or reading equipment that you no longer need, please contact Lion Ray Clark at 480-747-8154 or leave the items in the SunBird office.

Thank you to all for your ongoing support. The Lions Club is grateful to everyone and everything you do to make our organization such a successful one. We are so happy when we can help and make life easier for someone in need.