Pictured (left to right) are Cindy Wilson and Karen Hall, two of our new members, who were looking festive on Dec. 20, 2022. (Photo by Julie Anderson)

Cindy Vig and Jeanne Berte represented the SunBird Ladies League at the State Medallion Club Team Tournament. (Photo by Margaret Munsch)
Margaret Munsch, Publicity
The Ladies League had a number of fun golf activities during the holiday season, including “Decorate Yourself and/or Cart for Christmas” on Dec. 20 and, in preparation for New Year’s Eve, on Dec. 27, “Wear New Year’s Sparkles.” Those who participated had a great time.
We kicked off the new year with our monthly general breakfast meeting followed by a game of golf. The meeting was well attended, even with some members still traveling back to SunBird after being away over the holiday season. Beautiful membership booklets, developed by Shirl Morgan, were available for members to pick up. The Horizon Room served a very large and tasty breakfast, while the officers and standing committee leads provided information and updates.
A 50/50 drawing was organized to collect funds for the Founders Tournament on Jan. 21. Congratulations to Toni Leonard, who won two of the draws, and Margaret Munsch, who won one. It was a lucky day for Toni!
Cindy Vig and Jeanne Berte represented the SunBird Ladies League at the State Medallion Club Tournament held at Oakwood Golf and Country Club on Jan. 15. Cindy and Jeanne qualified over the past year in four Medallion qualifying rounds, with Cindy having the lowest two-game gross score and Jeanne having the lowest two-game net score. Congratulations on being the SunBird representatives!
Preparations are well underway for a Home and Home scheduled for Feb. 7 at SunBird Golf Course. We are excited at how quickly the event is filling up with players from SunBird, Springfield, Sun Lakes, Ironwood, and Palo Verde Golf Courses. It will be a shotgun start followed by a luncheon and prizes for top teams.
Looking forward, there are a number of exciting events scheduled:
Jan. 27: Couples Net Shootout
Feb. 7: Home and Home at SunBird Golf Club with players from SunBird, Springfield, Sun Lakes, Ironwood, and Palo Verde Golf Courses
Feb. 14 and 21: SunBird Cup, which is a two-week net tournament
March 14 and 21: Women’s Club Championship, which is a two-week gross tournament
March 31: Golf with the Men’s League followed by a BBQ and Awards Banquet for both leagues
New Members are always welcome, so if you enjoy the game of golf, join our Ladies League!