Sue Gerlach and Lena Craft at Second Hand Rose Style Show
Shirley Jackson
Kare Bears welcomed Carolyn Richel, community liaison for Hospice of the Valley, to the February meeting. She relayed information regarding supportive care for those with dementia. Hospice of the Valley not only serves patients, but their families as well. They offer education for caregivers. A nurse is on call 24 hours a day and will visit your home if needed. A mechanical dog named Sandy brings comfort to their patients. Hospice of the Valley has received local and national awards. Carolyn’s information was well received, and a question-and-answer session followed.
A proposed donation list for the 2021-22 Kare Bears season was distributed at the February meeting. Members also suggested needy organizations. A revised list will be prepared, and a vote will be taken at the next meeting. Distributions were made at the Appreciation Luncheon on March 23 at noon, and a list of the payouts will be published in the May edition of SunBird News. The new board members will have been voted in and officers selected for the 2022-23 Kare Bears season, and this information will be included in the May edition of SunBird News also. Our funds are generated from moneys collected at our three fairs, the Creedence Clearwater concert, and the Second Hand Rose Style Show.
Once again, Kare Bears sends its gratitude to our SunBird community for its support this past winter season. We enjoy setting up the three fairs, enabling you to shop with various vendors and enabling you to choose from our White Elephant table where you must dig for special surprises. And we thank our Kare Bears members who bring the sweet rolls and coffee for your enjoyment, allowing you to visit with your neighbors at the fairs. We truly enjoy the connection, and judging by the attendance, SunBird enjoys it, too. So, please continue to support our organization with over 80 members! We always welcome new members!
Though some of our members return to their summer homes, many members remain here and contribute throughout the summer months with greeting cards and the Celebration of Life. We still accept donations for our White Elephant table. You may call Joan Bruening at 480-636-0270. Gently used items are appreciated; no furniture or clothing. Thank you!